Western Hills Church of Christ
Western Hills Church of Christ

Come join us...

We're a group that loves being together, and is ALWAYS excited to see new faces: fellowship is a gift & relationships with church family are part of God's plan for life.

Below the calendar there is a more detailed description of our regular/recurring events. Almost all "special events" offer a detailed description if you click on them.


Want to add something to the calendar? Contact: westernhillsoffice@gmail.com


Regularly Scheduled Events


All of our regularly scheduled events are currently cancelled while we social distance during COVID-19.  Below are our normal activities we look forward to returning to as soon as possible:

  • Groups1st & 3rd Sundays
    We gather in small groups to study, fellowship, and live life together. There are more details about each of our small groups on the Groups page: http://www.whfamily.org/groups/


  • Potluck: 2nd Sundays
    Our congregation is blessed with many wonderful and generous cooks, so on second Sundays we bring a favorite dish or two to share. Everyone, especially guests, are invited to stay after chruch for a putluck lunch.  


  • Sabbath Rest: 4th Sundays
    Life can get extremely busy, so we set aside the 4th Sunday of the month for a purposeful time of rest and reconnection with our Lord and His Family!


  • TBA FUN: 5th Sundays
    We like to take the opportunity of a 5th Sunday in a month to do something fun: bowling, picnics, movie nigts, etc. We put out the details and sign up sheets once we decided on that months activity. 



  • Wednesday Night Recharge:  We aren't getting together in person just yet, but we still want to get together on Zoom to hangout and study together!

    Zoom on Wednesday starts at 6:30pm with a time of fellowship! 

                 Zoom Meeting ID:  827 8461 4873

                 Zoom Password:  Email church office at westernhillsoffice@gmail.com to get password

Weekly/Monthly Events:

  • Friday Men's Breakfasts:  All WH men are invited to gather for breakfast each Friday morning at 7am.  Email westernhillsoffice@gmai.com for details!  
  • Monthly Ladies Bible Study:  All WH Ladies, and interested guests, are invited to gather, via zoom, for a time of fellowship, Study and prayer. Email westernhillsoffice@gmail.com for details!

Service Times

Sunday Adult  Classes 9:00am on WH Campus & on Zoom
Sunday Worship 10:00am on WH Campus & on Zoom
Wednesday Recharge* 6:30pm on Zoom

Western Hills Church of Christ

6211 Parkwood Dr
Austin, TX 78735

Google Map






Office Hours

Monday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm


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© Western Hills Church of Christ


